1 Timothy 4:11-16 – The Council of Elders

Another thing to consider before we move on from chapter 4 is found in verse 14. Paul reminds Timothy of a time when a “council of elders” laid hands on him. In Titus1:5, we find that the Apostle left Titus in Crete with an extraordinary authority to appoint elders in every town. (We should note that it was not “an elder” for every town, but multiple elders). However, even in the days of the Apostles, we learn that authority to ordain and commission for special ministry rested in elders who came together in a council (this is known as having a “plurality” of elders – see Acts 13:1-3). In fact, the word translated here as “council of elders” is the source of our words “presbytery” and “presbyterian.”

In the New Testament, we find local churches are to be governed, overseen, taught, and shepherded by a plurality of elders (see, for example, Acts 20:17-38). Also, elders counsel other elders outside of their own congregation (consider II John 1 and III John 1, in which John does not cite his authority as an Apostle, but calls himself “the elder” and, as such, offers counsel). Furthermore, elders from various local churches come together in councils which have authority over the local churches (see Acts 15). From these Scriptures, we learn that what is known as the Presbyterian Form of Church Government is not merely an option, but the form of Church Government the LORD has set forth for us in His Word, in which the church is governed by Christ through a plurality of elders. On the local level, this is usually known as a Session (or Consistory). Higher courts of the church have names like presbytery (or classis), synod, or general assembly. Whatever the name we assign to these courts of the Church, the Church is to be governed by a plurality of elders who shepherd under the Great Shepherd Jesus Christ, who is the only King and Head of the Church.

1. From where do the words “presbyter” and “presbyterian” come?
2. What is meant by “a plurality of elders”?
3. What form of Church Government is set forth in Scripture?

Prayer Points
1. Pray for your Session and the higher courts of the Church.
2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
3. Pray for family matters.