Acts 9:23-35 – The Loss of All Things

Saul is now a Christian. We have the reactions of that work of God’s grace. There was amazement. Some, though confounded, were not necessarily converted but more enraged (v.29). Even the Lord’s people were nervous, but Barnabas (meaning, appropriately, Son of Consolation) spoke up on his behalf (v. 27).

Paul had chosen the reproach of Christ and affliction with the people of God over his pharisaic past life and the enjoyment of a good name and standing (Hebrews 11:24-26).

The Churches enjoyed a period of comparative calm (v. 31), in the plan of God. Meanwhile, Peter was exercising his ministry. He was to be the one Christ, the reigning King, was going to use first to gather in Gentiles to the kingdom of God, paving the way for Paul. Peter made an infallible pronouncement specifically to Aeneas (v. 34) (showing that he was a spokesman of God) and Aeneas was instantly healed. The miracle was in the name of Christ showing that He was indeed the Son of God reigning at God’s right hand.

1. Are you willing to give up all for Christ’s sake?
2. Do you see the plan of God unfolding as Christ builds His Church here?

Prayer Points
1. Pray for the preaching and hearing of God’s Word tomorrow.
2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
3. Pray for family matters.