Genesis 15:2-11 – Believing God’s Promises

The thing that troubles Abram the most is that he has no child. He pours out his trouble to the Lord. Many around him have children, but God has not given him any children. Sometimes God withholds comforts and blessings from those He loves, even while giving them to others. Abram is growing very old, and it is unlikely that he will ever have children. He doesn’t know if the one that will inherit God’s promises will be a biological child or an adopted servant, but at this point it looks like his servant. This wanting a son is taking away from Abram’s enjoyment of what God has given him. God graciously comes to Abram and promises him that he will have a biological son, and his descendants will be as the stars in the sky, many and glorious. Abram believes God’s promises, and God accepts him on the basis of his faith. Abram is not saved by his good works, but he is saved the same way we are, by believing and trusting in God’s promises.

God reminds Abram that He is the Lord, ruler over heaven and earth, with all power, and He always keeps His promises. God has chosen Abram to deliver and save him from an unbelieving people, and He is going to give Abram this land. Abram asks for a sign to strengthen his faith, and God tells him to gather animals at their strongest and best. Abram cuts these animals in two and then waits for God.


  1. What bothers Abram the most?
  2. How was Abram saved?

Prayer Points

  1. Give thanks that God always keeps His promises.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters