Genesis 24:29-53 – The Story Retold

Abraham’s servant is given a kind reception by Rebekah’s family. When Laban, her brother, sees the rich presents this man has gotten her, he immediately runs to Eliezer to see if there is anything in it for him. This is our first glimpse into Laban’s character, and we will see later that it is a character dominated by the love of money. Rebekah’s family welcome Eliezer as one blessed by God.

Eliezer will not eat or rest until he has finished the job he swore to do. He tells them the whole story of his search for Rebekah. He explains that he is the servant of Abraham and tells of how God has blessed Abraham. Abraham will pass his wealth on to his son, Isaac, so if Rebekah agrees to go with him, she will be well provided for. Eliezer tells of how Abraham has sent him to get a wife for Isaac, not from the evil Canaanites, but from the rest of his family living far away. He tells of how Abraham is confident that God will guide him to the right woman, but Abraham does not want to force his relations to send a wife. Finally, Eliezer tells of his prayer to God and how God answers it in Rebekah. He waits for their decision, and Rebekah’s family cheerfully agree that this has come from God, and they consent. So Eliezer again worships God.