Genesis 25:29-34 – The Sale of a Birthright

Esau’s birthright is the spiritual privilege of the oldest. It is a double blessing from his father when he dies, the promise of inheriting the estate, and most importantly, inheriting the covenant promises.

Jacob wants this birthright, and he will use any means necessary to get it. It is good to want a godly blessing, but we must not sin to get it. Jacob will take advantage of his brother’s necessity to make Esau swear to a hard bargain.

Esau holds his birthright, this great blessing from God, in contempt. This is a very foolish attitude that Esau will regret too late. His desire for food is very strong, and he lets it master him, showing no self-control. Surely he can find food somewhere cheaper than at the expense of his birthright, but he wants what Jacob has made, and he wants it immediately. He thinks he is going to die, but if this is true, won’t it be better to die in honour than live under a curse? The birthright is like the privilege of being part of God’s covenant. Isn’t it better to die, being one of God’s people, than to live apart from God?

When Esau has got the food he wants he doesn’t even think twice about what he has done or show any regret or repentance. He just doesn’t care about his blessings, either from Isaac or from God.