Genesis 31:17-24 – Running Away

Sometimes it seems that Jacob is completely incapable of doing anything honest and above-board. Here he is, having decided to return home, sneaking away from Laban as fast as he can. Even if he is afraid of Laban’s reaction, surely the same God that has protected and blessed him so far, will protect him from Laban. Jacob is missing an opportunity, not only for his wives to say goodbye to their father, but for him to explain to Laban who God is and what He has promised. How often do we miss opportunities and sneak away out of fear of someone’s reaction?

Rachel has a hard time leaving not her father, but her father’s idols behind. Presumably, Jacob has trained his wives in the worship and fear of the true God, but idolatry, of any kind, can have a hold that is hard to shake. Too often, no matter what we know, we don’t run away from our idols, but we secretly take them with us, hiding them from other believers.

Laban is furious at Jacob leaving and sets out with all his family to pursue him. We don’t know what the intentions of Laban’s heart were, but the night before he overtakes Jacob, God appears to Laban in a dream. With one statement he ties Laban’s hands, even though he doesn’t change his heart. God can control even the wicked to His purposes, and He preserves those who believe in Him.