Genesis 3:16-19 – Justice and Mercy

Eve’s punishment has two parts. The first is pain in childbirth – this isn’t just labour pains, but all the sorrow, fear, and worry that come with children. The second part of her punishment deals with authority. Man is always to be head of the home, but sin has made this hard for women to bear. If man had not sinned, he would always have ruled with wisdom and love; and, if the woman had not sinned, she would always have obeyed with joy and humility. But God mixes mercy with judgement. Women will have sorrow, but it will be in bearing children who will give her joy. She must be subject, but it is to her own husband who loves her, not to a stranger. This is not a curse to destroy her, but a chastisement, to bring her to repentance.

God makes it clear that Adam is to blame for his sin. The world is cursed for Adam – cursed with barrenness, thorns, danger from animals and plants, and other natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, and fire. Work will no longer be a constant pleasure, but it will be hard and often fruitless. Our bodies will also deteriorate and die. Because Adam represents all of us in his actions, we all share in the consequence of his sin. Human life is full of misery, pain, and hardship, but we have no reason to complain. God is perfectly just. The amazing thing is that even though we know what the consequences of sin are, we keep sinning.


  1. What was Eve’s punishment?
  2. What was Adam’s punishment?
  3. Were these punishments fair?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray for forgiveness for your sins.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters