Genesis 3:20-4:2 – Shut Out of Paradise

God provides Adam and Eve with clothing that is now necessary because of sin. In order for them to have clothing animals must be killed showing them what death is. These animals are a sacrifice that covers up their nakedness. This points to Jesus, the sacrifice whose righteousness covers up our sin.

Adam and Eve are now shut out of paradise. The tree of life is forbidden to them, and they have lost their ability to speak to God. Their relationship with God is broken, and it must be restored by Jesus. God could have sent Adam to hell, but in His mercy He sends him out to the world to work. There is no hope of re-entry into the old paradise. Jesus will provide a way to the new paradise.

Cain and Abel are Adam and Eve’s first children. Eve recognises that these children are a gift from God. Both Cain and Abel have a calling like their parents. What is a calling? It is a job or work that God has called you to do. How do you know if something is your calling? If it doesn’t cause you to sin, if it helps you serve and enjoy God, and if God has given you the desire and opportunity to do it, it’s probably your calling.


  1. What does God give Adam and Eve for clothing?
  2. How can we speak to God today?
  3. What is a calling?

Prayer Points

  1. Give thanks for the work Jesus has done for us.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters