Genesis 37:31-36 – Grief of a Father

Joseph will soon be missed, so his brothers are going to have to come up with a lie to cover up what they have done. Even Reuben, who wanted to deliver Joseph, goes along with this lie. We have all learned from Adam to try to cover up our sin, instead of confessing it to God. Once we commit one sin, we usually try to cover it up with another, but God sees all things, and the one who tries to cover up his sin will not prosper long. Joseph’s brothers thought what they had done would never be found out, but it was, and it has been written in the Bible, so that the whole world will know.

Jacob is overwhelmed with grief when he sees Joseph’s coat and fears the worst. Perhaps he even feels guilty for sending Joseph out alone to look for his brothers. His sons hypocritically try to comfort him, but if they really wanted to comfort him, they would have told him the truth that Joseph is alive. But instead they just watch their father’s misery with hard hearts. Jacob is now determined that he will go to his grave grieving for his son. Jacob has almost made an idol out of his son, Joseph. He is consumed by what has happened to him, and instead of turning to God, he hardens his heart in his grief and bitterness.

Meanwhile, Joseph is brought to Egypt and there sold to Potiphar. He is alive, but he has lost his freedom. We aren’t told what thoughts are going through his head or what emotions he is feeling. But God is with him, guiding and protecting him through all of these circumstances and situations for His glory and Joseph’s good.