Genesis 3:9-13 – Excuses and Blame

The Judge of heaven and earth has come to Adam and Eve. He knows exactly where Adam is, but He calls for him to get him to confess. God is so gracious in causing us to throw ourselves on His mercy – He calls to us to bring us back to Him. All Adam says is that he is afraid; he doesn’t confess his sin. Without being clothed in Jesus’ perfect life, we have every reason to be afraid of God, just like Adam.

God has to directly ask Adam and Eve if they have sinned before they will confess. When we sin we are offending a gracious God, breaking His good laws, violating our agreement as His creatures to obey Him as Creator, giving up God’s favour, and exposing ourselves to His wrath and curse. In getting others to sin, we do the devil’s work, make ourselves guilty of others’ sins, and are a help to their destruction. Is it any wonder that God says to Adam and Eve and to us, “What is this you have done?”

Adam and Eve excuse their sin by blaming others. Adam blames his wife even though his duty is to obey God. We should never sin against God to please even our best friend. Adam also blames God for giving him Eve. Eve blames Satan. Even though Satan and others can draw us into sin, at the end of the day, we are always the ones actually sinning and always the ones to blame.


  1. Why does God call to Adam and Eve?
  2. Who do Adam and Eve blame?
  3. Who is really to blame?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray for the preaching and hearing of God’s Word tomorrow.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.