Genesis 47:27-31 – A Promise Made

Through a series of providential events, God has reunited Joseph with his family by bringing Jacob and his sons to Egypt. Even though the Egyptians are being forced to sell off all their livestock and land in order to buy food to stay alive, Joseph’s relatives can get their food for free. Pharaoh is so pleased with the job that Joseph is doing that he is more than happy to provide for Joseph’s family. Jacob lives 17 years after he comes into Egypt – this is far beyond his own expectation. When he is oldest and most frail, God takes care of him by causing him to live in comfort, well-looked after by his son. God cares for His people, always providing for them exactly what they need.

At last the time of Jacob’s death draws near. No one is able to escape death. Jacob realises that he will not be on this earth much longer, and one thing concerns him. Where will he be buried? He wants to be buried in Canaan, the land of promise, the land given to his father and grandfather by the Lord God in a covenant agreement. Nothing will satisfy him, but to have Joseph swear that he will be buried in Canaan. When Joseph does swear this, Jacob bows his head and worships God, content to die now that his last worry has been dealt with.

Death will come to every one reading this. It is inescapable. When it does come, our thoughts should be full, not with the geographical location of our burial, but with the idea that we are going to Heaven – our Promised Land, and we, like Jacob, can bow our head and worship God for giving us so many good things.