Isaiah 35:1-4 – The Living Desert

In chapter 34 we saw the destruction and judgment upon the nations. Now we see the deliverance that this brings about. We had seen how these countries, whether Assyria, Babylon, Rome, or the general unbelieving system in this world, seem to flourish and thrive. They look so powerful and bold. But we see the destruction visited upon them, and their area laid waste. But sadly hasn’t the wasteland been in the heart of every unbeliever? Is it not a wasteland there? Before you were saved was it not so in your own heart? Your own life was barren. Your own life brought forth nothing.

Chapter 35 is a picture. What is this desert? Some godly men have thought that it refers to the Jews. They’d been laid waste by the Assyrians, destroyed in many ways by the Babylonians, but after that, things got better by God’s grace. Some have thought that this is looking to the end of all things when Jesus comes back again. And as I’ve already mentioned, this could even speak to the dead heart, the barren life, brought to God. Any or all of these could fit in with this. But most likely, God is having us look forward to the gospel going forth into the world after Christ’s coming.

And what happens? What does God do with this wilderness? What does God do with this desert? He turns barrenness to greenness. Things weren’t merely just settling back like plants in our garden that get some rain. No, it was dead. And what fruit, what beauty, can the dead desert bring forth? There is none. And that has been our life, and that has been the cultures of the world. But God in grace is transforming the nations. God in grace, in our day, has been sending forth His Word. His Spirit moves. Instead of heaviness and weariness, there are joy and gladness. As far as the eye can see, there is the beautiful blossom. Instead of death and sterility, there is fragrant and lovely life and growth. Instead of dreariness and drabness, there is glory and splendor reflected from the glorious and gracious God through His son Jesus Christ. This is what is happening in this world. This is what must fill the world, for the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God as the waters cover the sea.


  1. What is the desert a picture of?
  2. What does God do with the wilderness?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that our nation would repent.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters.