Joshua 21:27-45 – God’s Faithfulness Praised and Promised

Verses 43-45 are more than just a footnote at the end of the chapter. They are the theological heart of the book of Joshua. They are a deliberate echo of the concerns Joshua had expressed and the reassurances God had given back at the very beginning of the book. V43 summarises chapters 13-21 (taking possession of the land); v44 summarises chapters 1-12 (conquering the land); and v45 could be a theme verse or summary of the whole book.
These verses praise the LORD for His faithful promise-keeping. The writer of Joshua uses what one preacher calls “sledgehammer theology – he simply keeps pounding his point home”! By emphatic repetition he pummels the LORD’s faithfulness into our senses! V43: “that he swore to give”. V44: “just as he had sworn”. V45: “all the good promises the LORD had made”. In every case, God did what He said He’d do.

When God first made the promise of the land to Abraham (e.g. Gen. 12:7) it wouldn’t have looked likely. It would have looked even less likely when God’s people were slaves in Egypt (Ex. 1-15). Even when they were miraculously delivered from there, it seemed as if God’s own people had managed to frustrate His promise when their grumbling and lack of faith led to 40 years of wandering in the wilderness (Num. 13-14).

It’s only when we see the barriers the LORD smashes in order to fulfil His word – only when we see His promise trampling all apparent obstacles in its way – only then can we appreciate how unstoppable is our God’s faithfulness to His promises and to His people.

These verses also promise the LORD’s future promise-keeping! Israel’s rest came because their enemies were defeated (v44). Rest and peace will lastingly be ours when Christ visibly conquers all His and our enemies. This chapter points ahead to Jesus’ ultimate victory (see 2 Thess. 1:7-10) and our eternal rest.