Joshua 4:11-18 – Remember Unity

Joshua 4 also emphasises that this momentous, memorable event in Israel’s history was an occasion of great unity among the people of God.

They were united behind their leader. V14 says: “On that day the LORD exalted Joshua in the sight of all Israel, and they stood in awe of him just as they had stood in awe of Moses, all the days of his life”. From this day on the people revered Joshua as their leader. They stood in awe of him, just as they had stood in awe of Moses. Around that time, the people may have considered the death of Moses (just a few chapters earlier – Deut. 34) to be a crisis. They might have had their doubts or concerns about the new leader. Was he up to the task? They may have had worries and fears about the struggles and battles that lay ahead. But now God exalted Joshua in their sight. They were united behind him.

They were also united alongside each other. V11 and v14 both speak of “all the people” and “all Israel”. The number 12 is constantly repeated throughout the chapter. This was the number of tribes among the Israelites, so its constant repetition seems to draw attention to their completeness and unity. We even see in v12 that the two-and-a-half tribes who had settled on the eastern side of the Jordan still crossed over with their fellow Israelites to fight alongside them. Joshua 4 is highlighting the unity among the people of God on this historic occasion.

And then v18 reminds us again – just in case we were in any doubt! – that this whole incident had been God’s doing. This was no coincidence. The rivers of the Jordan didn’t resume their flow days or weeks later. The very moment the soles of the priests’ feet touched dry ground on the other side of the river, the river flowed again as it had before! Remember the importance of unity among God’s people – but also keep remembering His mighty power!