Joshua 8:10-23 – The LORD’s Definite Help

Read v18 again: “Then the LORD said to Joshua, ‘Stretch out the javelin that is in your hand towards Ai, for I will give it into your hand'”.

As we saw in the opening verses of chapter 8, God has reassured His people that they do not need to fear and that He will give Ai into their hands. This reassurance is very similar to what He told them just before their successful siege of Jericho (6:2). The LORD is in such control that He specifies the precise moment for the attack in v18. In fact, this whole ‘ambush’ battle strategy is not the bright idea of Joshua or Israel. The plan that we see Joshua sharing with the fighting men in v3-9 and that we see them putting into place in v10-17 is all part of the LORD’s instruction to them. Verse 2: “Lay an ambush against the city, behind it”. This passage of Scripture is showing us that the: “the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us” (2 Cor. 4:7). Even the cleverness of this tactic is God’s!

Bear in mind the timing of the LORD’s help. It comes after sin has been dealt with and judgement carried out (chapter 7). Again what an encouragement this must have been to the people of God – to know such help and power from Him so soon after witnessing His burning anger.

Notice also the necessity of the LORD’s help. Israel needed God’s power, even for little Ai. The report in 7:3 had observed about the inhabitants of Ai that “they are few”. Israel was learning in these journeys and these battles that with the power of God the great Jericho could be taken (chapter 6); but without the power of God not even the smallest settlement could be overrun (chapter 7). How utterly dependent God’s people are on God’s power for any success!