Abram obeys all that God has told him to do without delay or arguing. He is 75, and he might have preferred to rest and settle down, but he does what God says. Sarai, his wife, must have been a great comfort to him, as she also has to leave everything, but she seems as willing to obey as Abram.

God calls Abram out from his family and his country into the land of promise. God calls him to be separate and set apart, to believe, obey, and receive blessings. God doesn’t suggest to Abram that he might like it better somewhere else, He commands Abram to leave. God commands us to leave the territory and people of sin -

The genealogy in these verses is not pointless for it ends in Abram, the friend of God, and it leads on to Christ. If you put Genesis chapters 5 and 11 with Matthew chapter 1, you have the complete genealogy of our Lord Jesus Christ.Notice that people begin to die at a much earlier age after the Flood. Shem lives

Noah’s descendants have been separated into tribes, and they are meant to multiply, go out, and fill the earth. But they are very slow to do it. They all have the same language and can understand each other, they find a convenient place to settle in, and decide to build a huge tower. Why? They want to rival God by

Shem’s descendants are given in these verses, but they also tell us something about Shem himself. First, Shem is called the ancestor of all the sons of Eber. Eber is his great-grandson. Why is Shem called the father of all his children rather than Arphaxad or Shelah? Why is Eber singled out? Probably because Abraham and his children, God’s covenant

God who has killed all men, except for Noah’s family, now gives them the ability to be fruitful and multiply. Japheth’s descendants are the future European Gentiles, many of whom will one day be part of God’s Church.In the list of Ham’s descendants we read about Nimrod. Nimrod is described as a mighty man. Some think this means he is

Noah comes to himself, realises what he has done, and he finds out what his sons have done. God gives him the spirit of prophecy, and he tells his sons what will happen to them. Ham and his descendants are cursed. These are the Canaanites whom 800 years later the Israelites will destroy in battle or force to become their

God seals His covenant with a rainbow. He repeats His assurance that He will never again destroy the world with a flood. When we have the greatest reason to be afraid of a flood, before and after rainfall, is when God sends His rainbow as a sign of His promise, to remind us of His mercy in the storm, and

As Noah, his family, and the animals come out from the ark and worship God, God makes a covenant with them. What is a covenant? It is an agreement between two or more persons. God is very gracious when He makes covenants with man because He gives us the opportunity to obey Him and be blessed. God’s covenants with man

Surrounded by the devastation of those who were in a wrong relationship with God, God makes it clear to Noah that He loves him. God again gives man the earth to fill and to have authority over. He promises that He will provide the food man needs. Possibly up to this point man was a vegetarian, but now God makes