Genesis 4:8-15 – The First Murder

Cain’s anger progresses to murder just as God has warned. Jesus in Matthew 5:22 says that anyone who hates someone has already murdered them in their heart. Abel is the first martyr who dies for his faith at the hands of one who hates God. But God always deals with the murder of His people as Cain is about to find out.

God brings the first murderer up on trial. He knows what Cain has done, but He gives Cain the opportunity to confess, repent, and throw himself upon God’s mercy. Cain, however, pleads ‘not guilty’, lying to cover up his murder, and showing how easy it is for one sin to lead to another. Then, as if he hasn’t done enough, Cain accuses God of having no right to ask him where Abel is. But God has always told us that we are to be our brother’s keepers, to love them as we love ourselves. The blood of the murdered is calling out for the blood of the murderer, and it is time for Cain to hear his sentence. Instead of executing Cain right there, God curses him to wander the earth in shame, haunted by his own guilt, unable to grow anything, and separated from the love and care of God until his death brings him under the ultimate wrath of God in hell.

Cain still has time to repent and beg for mercy, but instead he complains about an unfair punishment. He assumes that all other people are just like him and will take any opportunity to kill him. But God protects Cain, so that His just sentence can be carried out.


  1. How do you murder someone in your heart?
  2. How are we supposed to be our brother’s keepers?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that we would be filled with love for those around us.
  2. Use prayer points from your congregation.
  3. Pray for family matters